Nábytková farma
U Hřbitova 939
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou
Monday 9 – 12 12:30 – 17:30
Tuesday 9 – 12 12:30 – 17:00
Wednesday 9 – 12 12:30 – 17:00
Thursday 9 – 12 12:30 – 17:00
Friday 9 – 12 12:30 – 17:30
Saturday 9 – 13
Sunday closed
You can now pay with your credit card!
You can reach us by car when you drive through Kralupy nad Vltavou in the direction of Libčice nad Vltavou, through the railway crossing around the Barvy- Laky complex, then through U Hřbitova Street, which winds through the forest up to the Kralupy cemetery. You will find a furniture farm behind the mourning hall. If you drive from Prague 6 from the airport, head to Kralupy via Velké Přílepy, Tursko and Debrno. Then the Furniture Farm is the first large barn behind the Kralupy nad Vltavou sign. In front of the store is a parking lot with sufficient capacity.
The furniture farm is easily accessible from Prague by train. It runs from Masaryk railway station, from Holešovice and Podbaba every half hour. A wonderful sightseeing ride along the Vltava River takes 35 minutes. From the station it’s 20 minutes on foot.
If you’re not a fan of using the train, there’s also a bus from Kobylis to Kralup on weekdays. The journey takes about 30 minutes.